Hopeful Minds Services

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional Counseling services offered in Columbia, MD

Knowing how to eat right isn’t always easy. If you’re ready to make better food choices, you can benefit from the nutritional counseling services available at Metro Best Health Services. Experienced nutrition coach Milca Kaplan, CRNP, uses Metabolic Balance® nutrition plans to ensure you get the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. Additional nutritional resources are also available to support the lifelong diet changes you want to make. Call the Columbia, Maryland, office to schedule a nutritional counseling appointment or book a consultation online today.

Nutritional Counseling Q&A

What is nutritional counseling?

Nutritional counseling teaches you how to eat well to reduce your risk for obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. Counseling also provides resources to develop better eating habits that support a long, healthy life.

Metro Best Health Services provides personalized nutritional counseling services for adults. As a certified registered nurse practitioner, Milca offers one-on-one counseling sessions to understand your diet and lifestyle better.

She also specializes in personalized Metabolic Balance® nutrition plans to make adopting a healthy diet easier.

What are the benefits of nutritional counseling?

Poor nutrition can increase your risk for obesity and make you susceptible to diabetes, certain types of cancer, and other chronic health complications. Poor nutrition can also zap your energy levels and negatively affect your mental health.

The nutritional counseling services available at Metro Best Health Services improve your overall wellness in several ways. Eating nutritious meals and snacks makes it easier to maintain a healthy body weight and also:

  • Improves your energy levels
  • Supports healthy weight loss
  • Regulates your blood sugar levels
  • Manages and prevents chronic diseases
  • Sharpens concentration and memory

Through nutritional counseling, you learn how to plan healthy meals to ensure your body has what it needs to function at peak levels. You also gain insight into incorporating better eating habits into your daily routine so you can make lifelong changes supporting your health.

What can I expect during a nutritional counseling appointment?

During your initial nutritional counseling appointment at Metro Best Health Services, Milca, an experienced health coach, reviews your personal and family medical history and discusses your current health needs. It’s helpful if you can provide her with as much detail as possible about your diet and wellness goals.

Milca draws a blood sample and checks 36 blood markers that help identify nutritional deficiencies. This information helps her design your Metabolic Balance plan, a unique nutrition plan that works in four phases: preparation, strict conversion, relaxed conversion, and maintenance.

Nutritional counseling also includes tips for making better food choices by reading product labels. Milca can help you establish the diet changes you want to make and set goals to focus on. She also works with you to design meal plans based on your budget, food preferences, and other factors.

Call Metro Best Health Services to schedule a nutritional counseling appointment or book a consultation online today.