Hopeful Minds Services

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy services offered in Columbia, MD

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe, effective treatment for women and men who experience symptoms of imbalanced hormones. At Metro Best Health Services, Milca Kaplan, CRNP, offers blood tests onsite to evaluate your hormone levels. She personalizes bioidentical hormone replacement therapy plans to relieve hot flashes, boost concentration, and revitalize your energy levels. Telehealth is available for follow-up visits to monitor your success with treatment. Call the Columbia, Maryland, office to schedule a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy consultation or book an appointment online today. 

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Q&A

What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment option to address unbalanced hormone levels in men and women.

BHRT aims to rebalance your natural hormone levels with supplemental hormones so you can find lasting relief for hot flashes, lost libido, low energy levels, and other symptoms.

Metro Best Health Services offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for adults. Milca, a certified registered nurse practitioner, tests your hormone levels during a simple, in-office blood test to determine whether BHRT fits your needs well.

How do bioidentical hormones differ from synthetic hormones?

Bioidentical hormones like estradiol and progesterone are structurally similar to the reproductive hormones your endocrine system makes naturally. Synthetic hormones aren’t molecularly the same as your natural hormones, but your body processes them into a usable form.

Both bioidentical and synthetic hormones are formulated in a medical lab but are made from different materials. Bioidentical hormones come from yams and other plant materials, while synthetic hormones contain man-made chemical compounds.

Am I a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

You may be a candidate for BHRT if you experience symptoms of a hormone imbalance that interferes with your quality of life.

Because your hormones regulate many of your biological functions, even a slight imbalance can cause symptoms like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Memory problems
  • Poor concentration

Women with low estrogen or progesterone may also experience vaginal dryness and irritation, pain with sex, and irregular periods. Men with low testosterone can lose muscle mass and experience erectile dysfunction.

At Metro Best Health Services, Milca evaluates your hormone levels and reviews your medical history to rule out other conditions. She can prescribe hormone pills, patches, creams, or shots to optimize hormone levels. Bioidentical hormone pellets are also available.

How do bioidentical hormone pellets work?

Bioidentical hormone pellets are as small as a grain of rice and sit just beneath the surface of your skin. Milca implants the pellet during a quick, in-office procedure.

Bioidentical hormone pellets deliver a constant stream of hormones directly into your bloodstream. Pellets continue to work for 3-5 months before you need a replacement.

Metro Best Health Services offers telehealth appointments for follow-up visits. Milca can adjust your therapy plan as needed to ensure lasting symptom relief.

Call Metro Best Health Services to schedule a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy consultation or book an appointment online today.