Hopeful Minds Services

Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss services offered in Columbia, MD

Losing even a small percentage of excess weight can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease and other obesity-related conditions. The medical weight loss services at Metro Best Health Services provide the support you need to achieve a healthy body weight. Milca Kaplan, CRNP, offers nutritional counseling, medications, and other resources that help you keep the weight off for good to enjoy a healthy, physically active life. Call the Columbia, Maryland, office to schedule a medical weight loss consultation or book an appointment online today.

Medical Weight Loss Q&A

What is medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is an efficient way to lose excess weight under the close supervision of a medical professional.

The medical weight loss services available at Metro Best Health Services also help you make lasting lifestyle changes so you can maintain your weight loss results in the long term.

A customized weight loss program focuses on safe, efficient weight loss through nutritional counseling, diet improvements, and daily exercise. As a certified registered nurse practitioner, Milca can also prescribe medications to control cravings and address underlying medical issues that make weight loss difficult.

When should I consider medical weight loss?

Carrying too much weight can significantly increase your risk for chronic pain and health conditions like:

  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

The natural aging process and underlying medical conditions can affect your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.

You can benefit from the medical weight loss services available at Metro Best Health Services if you can’t lose weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise. You may also be a candidate for the medically supervised services if you’re not sure where to start on your weight loss journey.

What is included in medical weight loss?

Metro Best Health Services offers thorough medical evaluations to assess your health needs. Milca can also order bloodwork and other lab tests to identify hormone imbalances and other conditions that affect your metabolism.

Based on your test results, Milca customizes a weight loss plan that includes:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Portion control
  • Meal plan recommendations
  • Exercise program

If you need additional weight loss support, Milca can also prescribe semaglutide, a medication that supports efficient weight loss in individuals with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Semaglutide can also be useful in those with a BMI of 27 who also have heart disease, insulin resistance, and other chronic conditions.

Milca also recommends Metabolic Balance® personalized nutrition plan for those using semaglutide. The medication, along with healthy habits, supports consistent weight loss and makes it possible to maintain your results in the long term.

Call Metro Best Health Services to schedule a medical weight loss consultation or book an appointment online today.